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h3. Quick links
* [Installation Guide|Installation Guide]
* [Upgrade Guide|Upgrade to 2.1.x]
* [Documentation|Documentation Home]
* [Download Link|]

h3. Changes since 2.1.20
# Fix the issue that source view/diff can not display non-ascii characters.

h3. Changes since 2.1.19
# Include sample plugins mentioned in the plugin development guide.

h3. Changes since 2.1.18
# Fix the issue that cleaning node workspaces may cause a build timeout.

h3. Changes since 2.1.17
# Fix the issue that sometimes a NullPointerException is thrown when access dashboard if a configuration is newly created by some other user.
# Fix the issue that sometimes the duplicate entry database constraint is violated for Perforce/ClearCase/Accurev builds.

h3. Changes since 2.1.16
# Fix the issue that slash character in variable prompt name and description causes build and promotion option screen failing to be displayed.
# Make promote destination field being able to accept multi line input.
# Add link to Queue in scripting help popup.

h3. Changes since 2.1.15
# Fix the issue that calling to "build.renderLogAsHtml()" is failed in velocity template if build is triggered by non-adminstrator.
# Fix the issue that tray monitor may miss build notifications.
# Fix the issue that exception of 'reuse-instance' will be thrown upon accessing various reports when QuickBuild server is running under IBM JDK.

h3. Changes since 2.1.14
# Add scripting API _getAttribute(name, defaultValue)_ to grid node.
# Enhance command build step to be able to execute a command without waiting for its finishing.

h3. Changes since 2.1.13
# Fix the issue that promote and build screens may throw exception if there are some prompted variables.
# Fix the issue that the quote and back slash chars in variable prompt description and selection values cause build and promote option screen failed to be displayed.
# Improve the RESTful API to handle build cancelling.

h3. Changes since 2.1.12
# Fix the issue that when original xml report contains namespace, the report will not be published correctly.
# Fix the issue that when failed parsing original xml report, the statistics numbers in dashboard are wrong.
# Add failed reason for each UnProcessed Report.
# Fix the issue that a bad build agent causes all builds to fail before it is timed out and removed from grid.

h3. Changes since 2.1.11
# Fix the issue that web UI may respond very slowly if QuickBuild has connection problems to build agents.

h3. Changes since 2.1.10
# Add VIEW_SOURCE permission to control whether or not a group can access source code in change sets.
# Display javac task outputs in Ant as warnings instead of errors.
# Fix OutOfMemory error when build generates many many lines of logs.
# Fix the issue that agents experiencing connection problems can not be removed from grid.
# Display unprocessed reports when process custom statistics report.
# Fix the issue that the statistics chart is empty when there is only one data
# Enhanced the CPD source code view (add block color to duplicated codes).
# Fix the issue that non-admin users can't view SCM activities although the permission of access build changes has been assigned.

h3. Changes since 2.1.9
# Fix the issue the statistics chart is incorrect when begin date doesn't equal to end date in grouping by month mode.
# Fix the issue that statistics page will throw exception when start date is Tuesday.
# Enhance display of system out log for JUnit.
# Fix the issue that there is no build version tick in history statistics chart.
# Fix the issue that fully qualified host name may be used in agent causing Perforce client unable to be created.
# Fix the issue that NAnt build step is detected as failed even if it is actually successful.

h3. Changes since 2.1.8
# Fix the bug that QuickBuild can not send notification email to Perforce committers not registered as QuickBuild users.
# Enhance forced notify setting to be able to send build notifications to committers since previous successful build.
# Support to embed scripts in selection item if variable is set to "prompt as selection box".
# Enhance statistics chart tooltip and metrics details table to display the build information.
# Fix QB-531: Comparison of statistics throws an exception.
# Fix the issue that statistics page may throw an exception when navigate between different configuration.
# Fix the issue that history statistics chart always display zero.
# Fix incorrect point in statistics chart.

h3. Changes since 2.1.7
# Fix a security issue that user with permission to view configuration settings may get SCM passwords via RESTful API.
# Enhance RESTful API to get executed steps and used repositories of a build. Refer to [] for details.
# Fix the issue that an exception will be thrown when opening successful/failed/cancelled/running/waiting builds page.

h3. Changes since 2.1.6
# Fix the issue that user agent may not able to be timed out if it is shutdown.

h3. Changes since 2.1.5
# Fix migration issue from QB 1.x
# Add scripting API: build.renderLogAsText() and build.renderLogAsHtml()

h3. Changes since 2.1.4
# The graph options, group options, etc. in statistics tab will be remembered when changing between the different metrics.
# Fix the issue that Visual SourceSafe change detection may not work on Windows versions without MSVC5 runtime installed.
# Fix the issue that tray monitor is not visible in my page for non administrators.
# Fix the issue that UI may get locked if server can not connect to agents.
# Fix the issue that step log URLs are incorrectly rendered in build notification email.
# Fix the issue that FindBugs link in build summary popup is incorrectly rendered.

h3. Changes since 2.1.3
# Fix the Java Service Wrapper licensing error on machines with time zone set to east of Japan (this includes Australia, New Zealand, and the pacific islands west of the date line).

h3. Changes since 2.1.2
# Fix the bug that a validation error is thrown sometimes when access variables.
# Fix the bug that hovering mouse over "more..." link on the dashboard may leads to Hibernate LazyLoadException.
# Fix the bug that NullPointerException is thrown when migrate configurations with disabled promotion setting.
# Fix ClearCase migration issue.
# Fixed the bug that JUnit report publishing is failed when failure message or error message contains XML CDATA section.
# Fix the bug that Perforce repository does not recognize "move/rename" operation.
# Add back the ability of customizing view name when define ClearCase repository.
# Add back the ability of customizing client name when define Perforce repository.
# Add back the ability of customizing reference tree name when define Accurev repository.

h3. Changes since 2.1.1
# Fix the bug that StackOverflowError is thrown when storage path contains scripts.
# Fix the bug that build error message is not included in failed build notification email.

h3. Changes since 2.1.0
# Fix the bug that NPE will be thrown if triggering a build with prompted variables is cancelled.
# Fix the bug that variable prompting for time requires HH:mm:ss instead of HH:mm.

h3. Changes since 2.0.x
# A cross-platform [tray monitor] to view build, trigger build and report build events from desktop.
# [The custom statistics feature|add custom statistics data] is added to generate user defined statistics based on arbitrary xml files.
# Analyze [.NET NCover report|publish ncover report] to publish code coverage result and statistics over time.
# Analyze [.NET Fxcop report|publish fxcop report] to publish code analysis result and statistics over time.
# Analyze [CPD report|publish cpd report] to publish code duplicate result and statistics over time.
# User can now add new SCM systems, steps, reports, statistics, notifiers and authentication systems to QuickBuild by [writing custom plugins|develop plugins].
# External system can operate QuickBuild programmatically via the new [RESTful API].
# Database backup and restore is now much faster. An option to exclude builds when backup database is also added.
# Support to use Oracle as external database.
# [SSL support|protect QuickBuild using SSL] for QuickBuild server and agents.
# Improved ClearCase support. Existing dynamic or snapshot view can now be used for build, besides the ability to create new view based on config spec or stream/baseline information.
# Task and compilation error in Ant build step can now be catched and reported in build overview screen.
# Add browser back button support when navigating QuickBuild pages.
# Build tabs, statistics tabs, report set and report filters are now remembered when switching between different build and configuration for better navigation experience.
# Add an option to always display default value of the variable when it is prompted.
# Add scripting API to acquire and release resources when step executes. This addresses the issue of resource contention when multiple steps running on the same node with limited resources. Refer to the [resource locking] samples on how to use this API.
# Fix the issue that QuickBuild page sometimes throws exception if opened/viewed in multiple browser tabs.
# Fix the issue that sometimes variable can be specified with empty value even if it is not allowed to empty.

h3. Major improvements over 1.x
# Native support for a number of build reports. Refer to below documents for details of build reports:
#* [working with build reports|Working with Reports]
#* [publish build reports|Publish Build Reports]
#* [publish html reports|Publish HTML Reports]
# Build statistics. Refer to below documents for details of build statistics:
#* [working with statistics|Working with Statistics]
# Build grid support. Refer to below documents for details of build grid:
#* [setup distributed builds|Set Up Distributed Builds]
#* [configure build grid|Working with Build Grid]
# Introduce the concept of proof build to build/test user's uncommited changes at server, and optionally checkin that those changes automatically if build/test succeeds.
#* [working with proof build|Working with Proof Build]
#* [setup proof build|Set Up Proof Build]
# Visually arrange steps to design build process. Refer to below documents for details:
#* [configuration setup|Build Setup]
# Build promotion visualization. Source build and destination build will be linked to show the promotion relation.
# Fine grained access control when assign permissions for groups.
# Be able to customize build option screen and promote option screen when manually triggers a build or promote a build. This is supported through prompt settings of variables.
# Builds can run concurrently even for a single configuration to better utilize build grid resource. To configure concurrent running builds for a single configuration, the master step needs to be configured to run on agent instead of server.
# Be able to recommend build. Recommended build will have a star icon attached. Promote operation can be configured to only applicable for recommended builds.
# Build changes will be collected during a build promotion process. For example, if a release build is generated as result of promoting from a QA build, the change set between current release and last release will be collected automatically.
# Be able to view/diff changed source files in the change set panel.
# Be able to compare two builds (not necessary ajacent) and generate changes between them.

h3. Features exist in 1.x but not yet implemented in 2.1
# Eclipse and Visual Studio plugin to monitor QuickBuild.
# Integration with JIRA.

These features will be implemented in next major release.