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Amazon EC2 Integration

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Set up QuickBuild the same as tutorial One Build For One Agent, except that build agents should be started in EC2 as necessary. Launched build agents should be able to be closed if they are idle for specified amount of time to save cost.


  1. Set up QuickBuild according to resolution section of tutorial One Build For One Agent.
  2. Login to QuickBuild as administrator and switch to administration menu, then follow the plugin management link, and edit plugin setting of Amazon EC2 Plugin to provide a file containing your EC2 access keys.
  3. Create appropriate build agent AMI following this guide if necessary.
  4. Switch to grid page and follow the Cloud Profiles link to bring out the cloud profiles page. Add a cloud profile with node launch setting specified as Launch Node into Amazon EC2 and fill relevant EC2 node launch options. Specifically the AMI ID should be filled with the identifier of the build agent AMI you created previously.
  5. QuickBuild will proceed to do a test launch of your defined cloud profile to grab system/user attribute of node launched by your profile. Grabbed system/user attributes will be used afterwards to match against node matcher setting of build steps to determine which profile has to be used to launch node if no active agents satisfy the criteria.
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