Build with Maven

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Maven integration overview

QuickBuild is able to integrate with the popular build tool - Maven. This integration enables you to:

  1. Build your project with Maven by creating a maven build step
  2. Use the version defined in POM as version of generated build. If the version is a snapshot version, the SNAPSHOT suffix can be replaced by the actual snapshot version.
  3. Display the deployed artifacts for each build in QuickBuild's web interface.

Following is a sample screen of a Maven based build:
Unable to render embedded object: File (maven-artifacts.png) not found.

Setup a Maven based build

To setup a maven based build, please perform following steps:

  1. Make sure that the Maven plugin is configured. To configure Maven plugin, you will need to switch to the Administration tab, open the Plugin Management page, and look for the plugin with id com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.maven. Then click the configure link to bring up the configure screen as follows:
    Unable to render embedded object: File (maven-setting.png) not found.
    In this screen:
    • Default Maven Executable Path: this property needs to be specified to provide a default Maven installation. This default maven path can be overridden when you define the maven build step.
    • Repository Access URL: this property needs to be specified if you want to access the deployed maven artifacts by using QuickBuild web interface. It should be the root url to the repository, QuickBuild will append groupId and artifactId to the url to access the deployed artifacts. For example, if the deployed POM is accessed by [_], you will need to specify this property as [_].
    • Snapshot Repository Access URL: this property serves the same purpose as repository access url, except that it is used for snapshot versions. Specify the same value as the property above if the snapshot version deploys to the same repository as the regular versions.
  2. Add the maven build step to the build process as follows:
    Unable to render embedded object: File (add-maven-build-step.png) not found.
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