JUnit Report

Version 2 by Steve Luo
on Jun 20, 2011 16:45.

compared with
Version 3 by Steve Luo
on Jun 20, 2011 16:48.

These lines were removed. This word was removed.
These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 4 changes. View first change.

 QuickBuild supports [publish JUnit Report|Publish JUnit Report] by default, after JUnit Report has been published successfully, QuickBuild will summarize the tests information in the build overview tab, see below
 and also a _JUnit Report_ tab is displayed in the build page.
 *Failed Tests*
  h3. Failed Tests
 The tab display all failed tests:
*By Package*
  h3. By Package
 The tab displays the test info by package:
*By Testsuite*
  h3. By Testsuite
 The tab displays the test info by testsuite:
 *By Test*
  h3. By Test
 The tab displays all tests information:
 and when you click the icon !details.gif!, the detailed information is displayed in a popeup dialog like below: