06. Publish Build Reports

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Version 60 by Robin Shen
on Sep 02, 2008 14:46.

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 h2. Introduction
 Build reports are very important for detecting a project health. By adding your build reports to QuickBuild, the project health can be tracked very easily, and the most important thing is that QuickBuild can collect the statistics data from those reports. This will help you to analyze the project from [build statistics|3. Working with Statistics] later.
 Following screenshot shows a typical Java project overview by adding some reports to QuickBuild:
 h2. Supported Reports
 Following table lists all the reports supported in QuickBuild:
 h3. Java Category
 || Report Name || Version ||
 | [JUnit Report|Adding JUnit Report] | 3.8\+ |
  | [TestNG Report|02. Adding TestNG Report] | 5.7 |
  | [TestNG Report|Adding TestNG Report] | 5.7 |
 | [CheckStyle Report|03. Adding CheckStyle Report] |4.1+ |
 | [EMMA Report|04. Adding EMMA Report] |2.1+ |
 | [PMD Report|05. Adding PMD Report] |4.2.2 |
 | [Ivy Dependency Report|06. Adding Ivy Dependency Report] | |
 h3. .NET Category
 || Report Name || Version ||
 | [NUnit Report|07. Adding NUnit Report] | 2.0 |
 | [MBUnit Report|08. Adding MBUnit Report] | 2.4\+ |
 h3. Third-Party Reports
 For reports not directly supported in QuickBuild, you can also [create your own plugin setting|07. Customize The Report] of the plugin com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.generic to publish your particular reports, or you can create your own plugin to meet your requirements.
 h3. Different Version Of The Reports
 If versions of the reports you are using is different from the list above, then you may need [customize them|07. Customize The Report] based on the existing setting. Sometimes, it may only need change some columns definitions.
 h2. Generic Step for Publishing Build Report
 To publish a build report in QuickBuild, normally, you just need two steps:
 # Generate the build report by using [Ant|http://ant.apache.org], [Maven|http://maven.apache.org], [NAnt|http://nant.sourceforge.net], etc. When generating the build reports by those tools, the XML format should be used. QuickBuild only recognize XML reports.
 # Add a publish step for the specific report. For example, for JUnit, add a publish junit step, for TestNG, add a publish TestNG step.
 That is it! Both the reports and the statistics data for the reports will be collected automatically, and you can [view them in QuickBuild|2.5 Build Reports] directly instead of generating HTML report.