Use Same Version When Promote Builds

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During a promotion process, make sure that the new build has the same version as the source build.


  1. Visit the QA configuration, and click the promote button.
  2. Wait a short while, and refresh the page, a new build will be generated as result of the promotion, and the version will be the same as the source build.


  1. Visit advanced setting of QA configuration. A variable named version is defined with the value being ${build.version}. This tells QuickBuild to pass variable version to the Release configuration using value of current build during the promotion process.
  2. Visit basic setting of Release configuration. The property next build version is defined as ${vars.get("version")}. This tells QuickBuild to use value of variable as version of the build being generated during promotion process.
The variable name does not need to be version. You may use any other variable name as long as they are consistent in step 1 and step 2.
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