JIRA Integration

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The latest version is v. 7, last edited on Aug 28, 2010 (view differences | )
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Set up a configuration to generate builds of a project and achieve below purposes:

  1. QuickBuild should use next unreleased version of that project in JIRA as version of the new build.
  2. For JIRA issues marked as fixed in SCM commit comments, QuickBuild should update status of these issues in JIRA to be resolved under the developer's JIRA account.
  3. QuickBuild should mark corresponding versions of the project in JIRA as released.
  4. For all above resolved issues, QuickBuild should update the fix version/s field to include the build version.
  5. When navigate to build detail, issue keys in the commit comments should be rendered as issue links.
  6. User should be able to view all resolved/related issues in a particular build.
  7. User should be able to view all builds and SCM changes relating to a particular issue at JIRA side.



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