4.1 Working with Subversion

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Define subversion repository

Subversion repository can be defined by choosing the subversion menu item from the repository menu as below:

Unable to render embedded object: File (subversion1.png) not found.

If you can not find the subversion menu item, it is most probable that subversion plugin has not been configured at plugin management page.
All text properties of subversion repository can be defined as dynamic string.

Connect to subversion repository with https and svn+ssh schema

To connect to subversion repository with https and svn+ssh schema, you'll need to permanently accept the subversion sever certificate from command line before running QuickBuild. The detailed step is:

  1. login to the build machine as the user which will be used to launch QuickBuild process
  2. connect to your subversion repository using subversion command line, and if the server asks for whether or not to save credentials for subsequent usages, choose "yes"
  3. make sure subsequent subversion commands does not prompt for user name and password
  4. start QuickBuild process

Checkout from multiple urls

External support
Setup proof build

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